What does Evidence-Based Treatment mean?
Evidence based means that a particular method or treatment style has been formally
tested in a university setting and found to improve symptoms in a meaningful way
(statistically significant which is really a mathematical determination) and that the
research has been duplicated in other research centers.
Evidence-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Booklet
Because science and traditional medicine had such a poor understanding of autism
for so many decades, families stopped looking for help from physicians. Many people
tried to offer help to families and lots of treatment ideas were suggested with out sound
research to back them up. Lots of these ideas and suggestions still float around on the
internet. Some of them may even be dangerous like chelation therapy.
If someone is recommending a treatment, ask what the research is that supports it and determine the financial incentive of the person suggesting the treatment. BEWARE OF THE INTERNET.
Put your own oxygen mask on first
There are therapies, supports and habits that can help individuals and families grow into the people they want to be, that may not be considered Evidence Base Treatment for ASD. All families need to think about them, but the increased demands and stress of raising a child with special needs make this essential for our families. Basic exercise, nutrition, recreation, spiritual and mental health practices need to be evaluated. If there is active major depressive disorder, drug or alcohol addiction present in a family it needs to be dealt with. There is some evidence that our families are at increased risk for suffering from these disorders (as well as schizophrenia, ADHD and Bipolar disease).
Red flags to look for in young children
Information on Altered Sensory Experiences
Why does autism look so different in so many people?
What does Evidence Based Treatment mean?