Project Successes
Our first years were busy with developing a committed board, filing articles of incorporation, by laws, obtaining non-profit status, developing materials, a web presence and fundraising.
One of our first successful initiatives was the first rendition of the police and first responder safety initiative developed by members of the Mid-Michigan Autism Association (MMAA) board, inspired by the work of Dennis Dubaudt. If your organization is interested in our FREE Training, please reach out to our Treasurer, Cathy Blatnik at blatsie63@yahoo.com.
The Mid-Michigan Autism Association has created new events within the community and works to partner with other area organizations to provide new opportunities for area families. Our events are FREE and open to all ages and all abilities. In the past few years, the MMAA has sponsored a monthly "virtual" music therapy event at the Michigan State University Community Music School in East Lansing. We have hosted Sensory Friendly Afternoons at Abrams Planetarium and Wildcats Cheer Pride in Lansing. We are currently partnering with the Lansing Art Gallery and Education Center to bring the "Art Ability Bag" Project to those of all ages and abilities. Please see this link here:
Community Collaborations - Lansing Art Gallery
We are very proud to have supported the development of a sister non-profit, Lansing Intentional Communities (LINCS) that is focusing on development and education about local resources for transition age students and adults with disabilities.
Perhaps, most importantly, we have agreed to raise our hand and function as a lightning rod, to attract and distribute information to families, professionals and individuals regarding best practices, education, social events, service, and research opportunities for those affected by developmental disability. We continue to improve those services with our website, newsletter and Facebook page heading into our 2023-2024 service year.